Monday 29 August 2011

Moneyed Sector; Contemptible Stakeholders

Affluent Cocoa Sector; Effluent Cocoa Farmers
By Ernest Ndukong
Cameroon, with an estimated production of over 200 000 tons a year, is fifth largest producer of cocoa beans behind Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Ghana and Nigeria.
The National Cocoa and Coffee Board, NCCB, revealed that the bean hit a record production of 236,701 tons for the 2010-2011 seasons, attributing the success to favourable weather conditions which have also helped top growers like Ivory Coast and Ghana to break existing records even before the end of their seasons.
It is revealed that over 85 percent of the production capacity has been exported, 12 percent ground locally and the remaining 5 557 tons, representing about two percent, has been stockpiled.
This figure is expected to be higher and better with the eminent construction of 2 500 ovens to dry the beans in the Southwest Region. The President of the Cameroon National Association of Cocoa and Coffee Producers, James Mosima Lobe, observed that the project, to be funded by the country’s Cocoa and Coffee Development Fund, will serve about 600 000 cocoa farmers.
Like other products from the primary sector, Cocoa is under-utilised, thus very little, in terms of proceeds, is derived from the sector whose task is so thorny. Under-utilisation could be reflected in the portion that is exported, the non-use of its by-products like the tree, the leaves and the pods.
The nerve-breaking process starts with harvesting the ripe pods; considering the trees have taken about four years from planting to maturity and production level. To ensure good and desirable products, thorough follow-up, with respect to pruning, clearing and application of pesticides, are utmost necessities. Breaking the pods, fermentation, packaging and transportation demand huge financial, material and human resources.
The cocoa farmer or dealer would benefit only about FCFA 1,200 per kilo as the farm gate price or FCFA 1,400 per kilo for the export price, respectively, with much lost through disposal of the other potential income generating by-products. These rates sometimes deep to three digits when the markets are in their bad shape.
The per-kilo price of cocoa has been, to say the least, desirable for the just ending season, selling averagely around FCFA 1,200. The political turmoil in the world’s largest grower, Ivory Coast, also had a positive connotation on the exports and export prices of Cameroon’s cocoa.
It should be noted that the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom are the main consumers of cocoa. The cocoa seeds are processed into cocoa powder for use mainly to make chocolate and cocoa butter. What is even more saddening is that the original owner of the material will now purchase the subsequent product at cut-throat prices.
Cocoa pulp can be eaten fresh or made into cocoa juice. It may also be used in cakes, creams, drinks and toppings. Hotels equally use it in main dishes like crispy cocoa chicken, cocoa sotong roll, cocoa fish slice, cocoa fried noodle and cocoa beef, to name these few.
Besides being used as victuals, scientists have discovered that cocoa is valuable to health, claiming it has twice the anti-cancer antioxidants of red wine and about three times what green tea contains.
The by-products of cocoa are used partially but not commercially. Some boil the leaves and drink as local tea which they claim keeps the body healthy. The pod husks are disposed of on unproductive land for recycling, to enhance the compost nature and make it fruitful for other crops. Others dry the husks and feed their pullet and domestic animals, which is enriched with fat and Vitamin D. The unfermented cotyledon is ground locally to produce cocoa butter which could also be used by cosmetic manufacturers. The trees too provide oxygen and prevent the soil from being eroded.
On this strength, cocoa farmers in particular and Cameroon as a whole would reap much if more of the cocoa is transformed to secondary products in Cameroon and less is exported. The process will as well provide jobs to many more Cameroonians and improve upon the general livelihood of Cameroonians.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Asian Countries Investment-Interested In Cameroon

Thailand, Singapore To Invest In Cameroon
By Ernest Ndukong
Like China, many other Asian countries are beginning to explore and exploit potentials in Africa as a whole and Cameroon in particular.
Singapore, a market-based economy, constitutes one of the countries that make up the Four Asian Tigers with China, Hong Kong and South Korea completing the list. They are interested in palm oil production in Cameroon.
According to the World Bank, Singapore is the world's top logistics hub and depends largely on exports and refining imported raw materials which made up about 27 percent of her 2010 Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Rizan Jiffrey, Director of Planning and Business of GoodHope Asian Holdings Limited Company based in Thailand, led a delegation to Douala recently to negotiate the establishment of about 30 thousand hectares of oil palm plantations.
Jiffrey disclosed that the over FCFA-1 billion project whose creation will take about five years to complete will not only be based on opening an oil palm plantation, but will also process the nuts for domestic and foreign consumption.
GoodHope Asian Holdings Limited Company is world leader in the production and processing of palm oil and has over 120,000 hectares of palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Cameroon Development Corporation, CDC, produced 15,000 metric tons of cholesterol free red palm oil, rich in vitamin E, in the period ending 2009 from 12,000 hectares of palm plantations.
Despite the huge potentials for Cameroon to be a palm oil giant considering the suitable natural conditions, the nation still depends on imported oil to satisfy an ever growing palm oil consuming population.
It is recorded that 35,000 tons of palm oil was imported into the country in 2010.
There are numerous useful bi-products that could be gotten from the inputs of palm oil amongst which are palm kennel, liquid substance from trunk and even the leaves.
Palm kennel is used to manufacture soap and cosmetics whose economic value is a whole topic of discussion. The liquid substance from the trunks locally called ‘matango’ is extracted, sold and consumed locally. Some groups in the society value it more than what comes from the breweries.
The Director General of the Investment Promotion Agency, Marthe Angeline Minja, along with the institution’s Deputy Sinwin Boma Soh Donatus, who had the encounter with the potential investors, promised support to the Singapore business people and indicated their interest to magnetise and uphold foreign investments in Cameroon.
In a parallel light, Thai businessmen are also considering investing in Cameroon. Thailand has come through undulating economic and financial times and is now an emerging economy, considered as a newly industralised country.
Cameroon and Thailand share commodities across international boundaries. Thai rice is consumed heavily in Cameroon while vegetables, fruits and timber from Cameroon are part and parcel of Thailand’s market.
Agriculture, infrastructure, telecommunications, mining, tourism amongst others are areas being explored for possible exploitation and investment in Cameroon.
The Executive Director of the International Affairs Bureau, Thailand Board of Investment, Vasana Mututanont led a delegation to Cameroon and had a working session with Cameroon’s Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Louis Paul Motaze, on August 8.
Trade exchange between Cameroon and Thailand stood at over FCFA 5 billion in 2010 and Cameroon stands a great chance to benefit from Thailand, considering that the two nations share similar priorities which are produced in higher quantum by Thailand.
Thailand turns out over 20 million tons of rice every year, exporting nine million tons, and her tourism sector contributes 10 percent to the GDP of the Southeastern Asian nation with a tourist hit nearing the population of Cameroon.
She also produces about 30,000 megawatts of power, with the primary contact being electrical energy.
These fantastic records are Cameroon’s agricultural, tourism and electrical expectations for it to think of becoming an emerging economy in 2035.

Monday 8 August 2011

Scamming Viewed From An Economic Perspective

Scamming, A Necessary Economic Evil
By Ernest Ndukong
The phenomenon of scamming or ‘confidence trick’ is fast becoming a ‘legal’ practice, considering the magnitude at which it is performed and the personalities involved. Scamming aims at defrauding a person or group by exploiting the characteristics of the human psyche.
The practice could also be described as a con game, con, hustle, bunko, swindle, trickstering, slickering or bamboozle. It exploits human qualities like greed, dishonesty, vanity, compassion, irresponsibility and naivety.
The over 150-year practice is orchestrated at various levels and in various forms. In Cameroon, university areas or student residential areas are noted to be the principal bases for such practices. It is, however, very common with persons of the middle age group - the youth group.
The common practice is; someone assures somebody, possibly oversees, of a service and requests for funds and, afterwards, blinds communication after receiving the cash.  The practice is illegal but has its positive facets.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Scamming is facilitated by the emergence of new and sophisticated communication technology. ICT enables in creating, accessing and manipulating of information for dissemination and usage for livelihood. Swindlers have abused it for personal and selfish interests.
Many a Cameroonian has become computer literate as a result of the proliferation of computers. It is fair to establish that about 60 percent of Cameroonian youth can comfortably do some amount of work on a computer and about seven percent own a computer or laptop. ICT has helped in increasing access to resources. About a decade ago, a student’s access to material ends when the classroom is locked, but, today, the case is different and better. Students can today equally undergo distant learning programmes through videos and podcasts, which are not only exciting but also interactive.
Despite the pleasantries of ICT, it has ills too. First, it is costly for an average Cameroonian who is presumed to live on about a dollar a day. One needs, for example, Internet connectivity to benefit the delightful offerings of ICT. On another weakness, studying is not free-flowing because most teachers are not versed with the issue as it came when the zeal to learn more had died out.
Local Businesses
The circulation of this ‘illegal’ money in the neighbourhoods has fantastic consequences on businesses. Bars have noticed some increase in their daily sales. The first possible stop after receiving an unearned income is a drinking spot to quench out the stress of getting the funds. One can comfortably identify a scammer from the number of quaffed bottles of beer in front of the person. A friend was apparently right to quip that unearned revenue is spent lavishly.
These guys drown their ‘achievements’ in oceans of alcohol, sometimes leading to fighting and accidents as a result of drunkenness. Five scammers consuming two bottles of beer per hour can contribute an extra FCFA 30,000 to a bar’s daily sales in six hours. In areas where scammers abide, one would count a bar after every five or so houses. This is to proof that there is profit in the business.
Internet service providers popularly called cyber cafes have witnessed an upsurge in their daily returns. They now have clients ready to purchase and use connectivity of over twelve hours a day and even by night. Main suppliers like telephony companies also have more clients knocking to get the service. There are scores of other types of businesses that have noticed amplified turnovers when scammers use their services amongst which we can site restaurants, phone booth operators, computer dealers, car dealers and even landlords.
Like micro businesses, macro businesses have also been affected positively by the practice of scamming. Repatriation of funds is done basically using financial institutions through their money transfer services like Western Union, Money Gram and bank transfers.
There is a commission gained from any amount received or sent by financial houses. A Buea-based bank manager confirms that the number of transactions relating to money transfer has increased tremendously and has caused their bank to create sales points that offer only transfer services. He notes that ‘a simple conversation of about 90 seconds is sufficient for a customer’s funds be paid to him’.
He further maintained that there has been about 1 000 percent increase in the number of money transfer transactions now, compared to what obtained about eight years ago. To this effect, many financial houses and sales points have been created and staffed, thus reducing unemployment.
There has been plenty of innovation in the banking sector resulting, to an extent, from the proceeds derived from the money transfer section. A Western Union operator in a bank, who preferred not to be named, noted that 70 percent of his daily transactions are suspected to belong to scammers. When asked about the certainty of the assertion, he mentioned the names of the senders, frequency at counters by the individual, physical appearance of beneficiaries and the passwords used as good enough reasons to establish his assertion.
Talking about innovation in the banking sector, it should take at most 90 seconds for a client to be paid transferred funds. Filling of forms and queuing are now history. When this commentator visited a BICEC Western Union sales point, it was observed that an interesting and brief conversation between the operator and the client is just o.k. for cash to be disbursed. There is also a possibility to withdraw your funds sent from abroad using a bank card or debit card. Transfer agencies now issue cards to clients who can use them to effect transactions when their accounts are credited. The importance of bank cards need not be over-emphasised.
International Trade
There is some level of exchange involved in scamming; be it at the level of ideas, items or cash. This affects the Gross National Income (GNI) of the entire economy. Cash flow into the country, from all sources, is supposed to be recorded somewhere, which is considered when determining trade balances among countries.
Excess inflow will mean a favourable balance and will add greatly to the GNI of the country. This, however, is an illegal representation because a commensurate service is not offered in return. A very prudential analysis would designate FCFA 24 billion that enters the country in a year, considering only 1 000 scammers benefiting FCFA two million a month.
How all of this is accounted for is best known by the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) and authorities in the Ministry of Finance.
The Web
The entire process leading to the disbursement of cash could be considered as a web because many other people are scammed along the line.
It is common practice to see young men clinging to their computer sets tracking control numbers of transfer transactions. This means that the eventual beneficiary of the funds may not even be the ‘rightful’ owner of the money. The dubiousness here is how does A collect funds meant for B?
Reacting to what one requires to receive funds sent from elsewhere, a bank operator said one needs a valid identification document and convincing transaction details. He could not determine a percentage to ascertain that a transaction detail is convincing.
Some unscrupulous police officers have resorted to satisfy their egos rather than do their jobs by demanding their own quota of the funds and letting the cons go scot-free. For this reason, policemen are referred to as “cutters”. These deceitful set are friends to criminals and even dine and wine with scammers. They threaten these young guys and swindle a portion of what the scammer has ‘picked’. Others are doing a commendable job as one would see many cyber criminals in our prisons.
Some bank operators are part of this web. They either liaise with other scammers to withdraw funds meant for others or inform some police agents about a possible ‘picking’ venture or even withdraw the funds themselves. Some bank operators have the full names of scammers and help them to check and pass out information for a commission.
What is even more interesting in the whole issue is that when foul play is noticed by one party against another, the former can’t report officially since the entire business is illegitimate.
A friend wondered aloud how on earth these oversee guys still fall victim to the cheap stories they are told, or could it be that these young guys use magical and supernatural powers to convince them about dogs, cats, birds and other items the plan to export over to the whites. Perhaps what they send are proceeds derived from other illegal activities. He ended by saying ‘no harm if a scammer scams another’.
Some people dub such funds ‘blood money’ but these scammers say money has no colour. Some scammers even say they do not regret even for a second about what they do to these white people as, they say, is their punishment for what they did to their grandparents in the days of colonisation.
An American Professor once observed; ‘the US had its development from slave trade; Europe had theirs from colonisation, so, why can Africans not have their own development from scamming?’