Thursday 8 February 2024

Increase In Fuel Prices In Cameroon, An Economic Quackmire


Increase In Fuel Prices, An Economic Quackmire

By Ernest Chefon Ndukong

Cameroon’s Head of State, Paul Biya, hinted in his traditional end-of-year address to the nation on December 31,2023, a possible increase in fuel prices. This was aimed to cushion the state’s subsidy burden on petroleum products, signalling a contribution of about FCFA 640 billion in 2023, dropping from over FCFA 1,000 billion in 2022.

The recent government announcement resulted from an increase in fuel pump prices in February 2023 of circa 16 percent and 25 percent for Super and Diesel, respectively.

On Friday, February 1, 2024, the Minister of Trade, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana convocated a consultative meeting for February 2, 2024, with trade union organisations in the presence of the Ministers of Labour and Social Security, Transport, Water and Energy and representatives of Defence and Security forces.

The result of this consultation was a further 15 percent increase in fuel pump prices to FCFA 840 and FCFA 828 for Super and Diesel respectively. This translates to circa 33 percent and 44 percent increase prior to February 2023 for the respective fuel products.

Consultation Or Information?

Whether the above session was consultative or informative is unknown to the ordinary Cameroonian. In the last quarter of 2023, the Minister of Trade, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, held several meetings with concerned stakeholders after which the price of bread was reduced from FCFA 150 to FCFA 135. These sessions with Union of bakers could be interpreted to represent a consultation.

The Place Of Planning

The new fuel prices were notified just few hours to the effective date, leaving no time for economic operators and fuel consumers to properly strategise on how to limit the negative consequences that such a major expense head could have on their activities. Businesses with approved budgets would immediately start experiencing overspends while individuals will be forced to cough out more from their generally limited resources. This action disregards the benefits of the place of planning, however this may have affected only the spender as the State might have considered it in its yearly subsidy savings for the 2024 budget.

Consumer Perception On Usage Of Subsidy Savings

As indicated by the Head of State, the increase in fuel prices is intended to reduce the State’s subsidy burden on petroleum products and possibly diverting the funds to other avenues to improve the living standards of Cameroonians. However, many a Cameroonian has minimum knowledge of exactly what project was realised with their extra contribution to state cash inflow via the increased fuel prices. A bike driver or taxi driver would feel fulfilled to learn that his extra FCFA 110 paid for Super was part of the funds used to build a hospital in Founangue in the Far North Region or a school in Noni, in the North West Region, or a bridge in Bamvele, in the East Region.

Multiplier Effect Of Increase In Fuel Prices

Rumours and the effective increase in the prices of fuel were received with anguish by many stakeholders as it immediately led to increased travel and transport cost, increased consumer spending and business cost and increased inflation.

Businesses rely on vehicles that use fuel for the transportation and logistics of their products. Therefore, when fuel expenses for businesses increase, product and service costs may also rise. These increases can be passed on to consumers as higher prices for final products and services.

Fuel prices determine the daily travel and transportation costs for vehicle owners, thus their increase directly leads to increased expenses and strained budgets. Considering transport cost is a significant portion in every budget, its increase will have a toll on general consumer spending restricting other expenditures, which could deteriorate the living standards of the population.

Considering fuel is important to most economic operators, an increase in its price will lead to a general price increase of other products leading to an inflationary situation, thus elevating the consumer price index and reducing purchasing power.

With business expenses on a high resulting from increased fuel or transport cost, businesses directly and hugely affected would source for ways to cut down on other costs and often resort to reducing staff and limiting wage increases, thereby increasing the unemployment rate and prolonged wage stagnation.

Incommensurate Accompanying Measures

The Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s office, in his correspondence of February 2, 2024, notifying the increase in fuel prices equally highlighted some measures to be put in place by the State to cushion the effects of the increase in fuel prices.

Among these measures includes an increase by 5 percent of the basic salaries of public servants, dialoguing with the private sector on the guaranteed inter-professional minimum wage and related issues, and the reduction of certain tax and customs charges in the road transport sector. While these measures lack more data for effective planning and forecasting, questions whether they will attain the intended objective remains a concern.

Possible Ways To Limit Effects Of Fuel Price Increase

Increased fuel and transport cost can push people towards alternative modes opting for more economical energy sources for power generation and use of public transportation, cycling, walking and ride sharing services. Our environment has its inherent limitations to some of these alternatives, some of which are uncoordinated, coupled with less luxurious public transport services, insecurity on the streets, absence or non-respect of walk paths.

While the increase in fuel prices will enable the State to save on subsidies on petroleum products, thereby boosting its treasury resources, the effect on the end user only turns an already bad economic situation to a worse one, with enormous hardship impending leaving the population to only but hope that C.S Lewis’ “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny quote sees the light of day.